DUI Lawyers Saskatoon

DUI / impaired driving charges? Saskatoon Drunk Driving Lawyer

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is located about 280km north of Regina, Saskatchewan and has a population of over 250,000 people. Saskatoon is the most populated city in Saskatchewan, and also has a high crime rate.

Saskatoon Provincial Court is located at 220 19 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0A2.

There are many DUI lawyers in Saskatoon to choose from, but Linh Pham is a Saskatoon criminal
defence attorney

with significant experience defending criminal charges, including impaired driving, drunk driving, 0.08BAC, dangerous driving, and other impaired operation of a conveyance allegations.

Impaired driving charges are very common and problematic. A conviction for DUI can results in fines, a license suspension, and jail.

2nd and subsequent convictions often lead to lengthier custodial sentences.

That is why if you are charged with DUI, impaired driving, flight from police, hit and run, or any other serious motor vehicle charges in Saskatoon, that you should contact a criminal lawyer with your best interests in mind.

Changes were made to drinking and driving laws in Canada recently, and you should search for an experienced criminal attorney to review your case and determine what the best outcome is.

Not all criminal defence attorneys are equal, and Linh Pham will do his best to represent you.

Potential defences to impaired driving could be that you did not have care and control, or that your ability to drive was not impaired by drugs or alcohol.

Mr. Pham has also had success defending allegations of impaired driving by drugs and has taken impaired driving cases to trial with success.

While Mr. Pham can not guarantee that he can beat your case, he guarantees that he will do his best to act for your legal interests.

If you are facing a DUI charge in Saskatoon, feel free to phone Saskatoon DUI lawyer Linh Pham for a free consultation at (306)502-5987 .

The Principles that Define Our Excellence

Feel free to read a little bit about my areas of practice, or legal experience.

OR, call me or text me at : (306)502-5987

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